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D.O.I. Notice of Monitoring - Unit Identifier

This is a U.S. Government computer system.
For more information, please read the Terms of Service statement

Application Terms of Use:
The data provided by this application is a proprietary product. It is provided by the federal government and made available to specified users. The wildland fire management community, as represented by the Department of the Interior and Department of Agriculture, may use this data to aid the location, type and other information as determined appropriate. Participating users may not redistribute data provided, or derivative products from which this originally transmitted data can be readily recovered, without express written permission from the contractor. Printed maps may be released as part of an official fire investigation case file to the responsible party, or their representative, during the fire trespass process, provided originally transmitted data cannot be readily recovered. Organizations not having a working relationship with a federal government user are not authorized to receive this data. Organizations, including government agencies, may not use the data for any commercial purpose.

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